Hello Glow
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Hello Glow – 150+ Natural Beauty Recipes for a Fresh New You. Forget paying big bucks at a spa, or slathering on overpriced “mystery cream” that contains who knows what. Make your own fresh, organic, and effective spa, skincare, hair-maintenance, and cosmetics recipes at home with these beautiful, tried-and-tested tutorials, brought to you by the popular DIY beauty and wellness website helloglow.co. Stephanie Gerber, founder and editor of Hello Glow, believes the journey to well-being can —and should!—be simple and beautiful, natural and stylish. Which is why her site is the trusted destination for organic wellness, nutrition, and skincare ideas. From masks of all flavors and for all skin types, to soothing bath oils and invigorating scrubs, and from treats for your tresses to beauty-boosting DIY cosmetics, Hello Glow has you covered. Featuring a collection of favorite recipes from her site and all-new ideas that Stephanie has cooked up from scratch, Hello Glow readers will discover: For the Face - more than 50 recipes to put your best face forward, For the Body - an indulgent collection of soaps, perfumes, bath mixes, and more, For the Hair - have a good hair day with these shampoos, masks, scalp scrubs and sprays. Start your journey to a healthier life and look with this all-inclusive guide to natural beauty!
• Hardcover
• 152 pages
• By Stephanie Gerber
• Hardcover
• 152 pages
• By Stephanie Gerber
7.75" x 7.75"